wildlings pack

(find your people, find yourself)



We have an inner wildness waiting to be explored. This wildness is our true self, that beautiful pure essence we came into this world with, and are now trying to rediscover. 

Maybe you are looking to discover more about your true self. Maybe you are looking to find other spiritually curious people to journey with. 

The last few years have led many of us on a spiritual journey. A growing need to find our own spark– our own unique place in this world.

Wildlings Pack is a monthly gathering space for self-discovery through enneagram teachings, and connection with a small pack of other folks willing to share in this wild journey together.

The offering will run the full year (10 sessions), each month focusing on a different space (number) within the enneagram. This year will include some connection to celestial and cyclical wisdom (astrology & nature/ seasonal teachings).

Each gathering will include learning about an enneagram space, through noticing how and when we may find ourselves trapped in patterns, learning about the gifts and virtues of that space, and discovering practices to help us move closer to our true essence. We will have circle sharing time, and an opportunity to supportively listen to one another.

2024 dates (starting February 28):

Each session is on the last Wednesday evening of the month and ~ 2.5hours


$600 for full year ($60 per session) //

payment options available. For those in a season where cost is a concern, connect with me to talk about a sliding scale.



deconstruction support