How do I know if spiritual direction is right for me?

Individuals come from all walks of life, all ages, across the wide expanse of faith expressions and sometimes from no specific tradition to begin spiritual direction. Reasons that I have heard named:​

  • Experiencing personal difficulties, losses, or hurts have shifted worldview, leading to changes in viewing self, and relationship to the Divine 

  • Feeling spiritually isolated and desiring experiences of sharing authentic, vulnerable self

  • Desiring to cultivate centeredness/rootedness, through exploring new spiritual practices

  • Spirituality has become more alive, increasing the desire for space to explore 

  • Discerning potential large shifts or changes in life

  • Desiring to grow in self-awareness through noticing patterns and motivations

What is the difference between spiritual direction and counselling?

There are similarities between the two, as both are creating safe, non-judgmental space for you to be heard. Spiritual Direction is in essence an experience of meaning making. The major differences lie in the director’s role as reflector and guide helping you to remember your own voice. The direction space is not about advice or plans and fixing, it is more about learning how to listen. Together we sit with and honour and allow experiences to be -- not needing to move to fixing.

How often do we meet?

Spiritual Direction is a relationship built upon entering sacred space on a regular basis, the average being about once a month. This varies depending on your needs. Some prefer meeting every three weeks, and for others six to eight. Our meetings will be scheduled at a rhythm that works for you, following a regular pattern that allows for your own processing time in between sessions.

How do I prepare for a session?

Every person’s style is different, including how they approach their session. Here are various ways that folks prepare:

  • come with a topic or broad theme to explore

  • bring your journal from the past month

  • share an experience or story that you want to understand more fully

  • offer questions that you have been struggling with

  • describe patterns that you are noticing in yourself

Are there other opportunities outside the 1:1?

Often the spiritual journey can feel a little isolating and we want to find other folks to walk alongside us. Or maybe you are curious to try an offering with a shorter commitment. Check out the offerings like Groups, Workshops, and Retreats that are crafted to offer community, support, and exploration on a short-term basis.

Is there an end?

Some people seek spiritual direction out for a season, while for others it becomes a regular spiritual practice in their life. Discernment of your needs will determine your path.

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