deconstruction + reclamation

sustainable deconstruction

Deconstruction is the process of evaluating and altering one’s previously held beliefs, relationships, narratives, or worldviews.


Reclamation is the process of claiming or reasserting a right to the personal expression of one’s humanity. Spiritual Reclamation is about reclaiming your ideas, relationship and connection to Spirit, the world, and yourself.

spiritual community

The hope is to offer supportive circles with others on a similar path, resources for exploration, and space to be curious in your newly forming faith


defining deconstruction

I think many of us find ourselves at some point in our lives in the unsettling space of deconstruction. As we gain life experience and encounter new ways of being in the world some of our old truths just don’t seem to fit anymore. This is particularly true if we grew up in religious homes and/or within a culture that gave us a very narrowly defined way of living. Our new experiences seem to counter some of the things we were taught to believe, and we begin challenging some of the beliefs we grew up with. We enter this dissonant space, where we can feel a little lost. Where we may hear ourselves saying “I don’t believe that old thing anymore, but I don’t yet know what I do believe!”

This in-between space can feel dark and lonely and it is here where we need the freedom to question, to pull things apart, to be OK in the not yet knowing.



Spiritual Direction can be a space of investigating and unpacking the old framework in a sustainable way. Where old truths can be examined, new ideas explored, and your unique experience of spirituality expressed. Reclamation is the necessary next process after deconstruction. To use building or construction imagery: if deconstruction is the assessment and demolition phase, reclamation is the redesign/ rebuild phase.

Looking for community to process your deconstruction with? Check out the deconstruction support group