awaken your true self
spiritual direction is:
I approach spiritual direction from a person- directed approach. This is your sacred, carved-out time to breathe out what must be shared. Your stories, your life experiences, and your questions that are needing to be voiced. I accompany primarily by listening and being attentive to what is rising up in the moment -- noticing strands of connection. Together we tune our hearts to hear what is deeply true within you.
You are met with open non-judgmental space to bring the patterns you are noticing about yourself and want to understand more fully. Where you can ask the messy questions about deconstructing old beliefs and reclaiming new ways of thinking. You are guided by hearing your words reflected back to you and receiving questions to help you go deeper. Through this we seek to discern where Spirit, and the essence of your own inner knowing, may be leading you.
The practice of spiritual direction is a container or holding space, this unique pocket of time where you are free to share all of yourself -- the stirrings of your heart, your questions, longings, grief, and wonder. And in this space of being received -- well listened to and seen -- that you may encounter deeper understanding and an opportunity to reconnect to yourself, and to Spirit (however you might name it).

where you are
seen and listened to
what you’ll get
60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions via zoom or in-person
enneagram insight, help discerning your primary spaces
spiritual practices to explore based on your unique personality and interests
non-judgmental space to deconstruct religious paradigms that have shifted