the spiritual practice of play

Tag… you’re it!!

As we sink into the fullness of summer, do you feel your body pulling you towards play?

The summer is half over, and every year at this time I sense a tangible shift. A kind of urgency comes over us, a desire not to miss out on summer’s distinctive energy. Summer brings a unique creativity, a feeling of fun, abundance, a spirit of pleasure and risk taking. Summer begs us to play!

I truly believe that play is a spiritual practice, one that many of us frequently neglect.

Play is the energetic expression of our being. It is at the heart of our creativity, our sensuality, and our most carefree moments of life. It helps us live with wildness, and mystery. It feeds our joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning here, now, in the present. It helps pull us to living in the present, with a sense of groundedness.

I can say for myself that play has become an active spiritual practice for me. Something I must remind myself to take the opportunity to engage. I know this can be easier said than done, and if you are going through a heavy season right now, accessing the lighter side can seem near impossible. I get it, I find myself there too from time to time, where it feels so foggy and difficult to see the light.

So how do we enter this practice?

I like to start by thinking about my playful child self. What did she take pleasure in? How did she engage play? How can I translate that to my grown-up self?

My younger self loved to create an adventure, a performance, a new character to play.

This translates for me into “playing around with”‘ with new concepts, whims and adventures. Maybe creating a “choose my own adventure” day, where I strike out on the road, to a town I haven't been to in a while, following the whims that arise. The practice of play engages our sense of wonder and ability to abandon self-consciousness. When at play we feel free and alive and well. 

When do you feel most alive?

Most connected to yourself? 

Most in tune with the present moment? 

Let’s take time this month to experiment, to try on different parts, to relax. To laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and ourselves.

To have more impromptu kitchen dance parties, to brave that skinny dip in the lake:) 

Your invitation this month:

  • Practice play by doing things on the spur of the moment. ( ex. Go on a random unplanned adventure, take an exploratory walk in a new neighbourhood)

  • Try something new/ possibly scary you’ve always wanted to do

  • Pay attention to the quality and quantity of your laughter

May our play nourish us, enliven us, ground us in the present that we may remember our truest selves.

And let me know what you tried! I’d love to hear from you.



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