exploration of names part III ~ who are you meant to be?

Can you relate to that feeling of being meant to do something? As if there is this burning urge within you that cannot be ignored?

The series on names I started a few months ago, has in part been inspired by a newer exploration into the world of archetypes! 

So, what are archetypes you might be wondering? They are universal patterns, images or stories that we can all recognize as being part of our human condition. They are spiritual patterns or symbols that have been found in the collective unconscious throughout history. These patterns or roles may not be something we are conscious of, but as we grow in self-awareness, we can begin to see these deep desires, urges, needs, and how they have formed our lives. The discovery of your archetypes can help you in understanding some of those urges, some of those strong feelings that have led you to the choices you have made in your life. 

That’s how I feel about my need for spiritual exploration. It is a deep urge that I feel, a sense of calling some might say. I have an instinctual sense that I am meant for and designed to be a spiritual seeker. Someone who mines the spiritual depths, to discover more gifts, new paths of understanding, a fuller landscape of the human and divine experience.

I can remember from very early on I was occupied by spiritual musings. I was curious about the world beyond what we could see, a realm that I could sense, intuit and feel. I felt connected to the Divine, there was no question to me that this world was mysterious and magic. 

I spent time observing those around me to understand their motivations and catch a glimpse of their worldview. This sensibility of observing and understanding human behaviour, and the mysteries of life set my vocational path.

So, how does this play out today?

As I felt my urge to dig into the mysterious depths, I searched for the right archetypal name to describe this part of me. I considered different names and was suggested to look at the mermaid. 

It has been so enlightening to name this part of me because it has helped me form a relationship with that part of myself. It has helped me to see the layers of this deep need. And most importantly it has helped me see the other side of my mermaid that I had been neglecting.

My mermaid is this part of me that is drawn to digging deep into the sand for those pearls of insight. I can feel that urge to always go deeper in conversation, to swim deeper and uncover hidden gems. To keep my relationships on a deeper level. But that is only half of the role of the mermaid, yes they are able to dive deep into the waters of the ocean and onto its floor where live the mysterious artifacts of humanity’s shipwrecked past,  but they must rise again to communicate with living humans and reflect on surface life. 

They breathe both water and air, and can take what they have discovered in the deep up to the surface to be ENJOYED.

What I am leaving from my mermaid is that she is longing for some surface time, some time at the surface to enjoy life, enjoy what I have discovered, to bathe in the sun, to play, to revel in the beauty of simple pleasures.

I have been so afraid of that word: pleasure. I’ve been afraid of the “surface life” and prioritized the deep, where I feel more comfortable. My inclination is to move everything to a spiritual level, where I’m comfortable, in the shadowy depths, discovering and holding the deepest mysteries and secrets.

There has been a fear in me of the surface side of my mermaid. A false belief that the pursuit of pleasure was narcissistic, a fear that the enjoyment of the senses was too rebellious, too selfish.

But I have come to see that the health of the mermaid is the balance of the deep and surface. And, that I have been neglecting my surface time.

Getting to know this archetype has helped me to reevaluate my relationship with the words pleasure and even sensuality. Naming these as important elements for healing, for integrating any deep work. My mermaid helps me prioritize spending more time bathing in the sunlight, basking in the senses, and loosening those fears of my sensuality. She is helping me live into what my body wants or needs, and I am finding it deeply healing to recognize this aspect of myself. She leads me to the simple spiritual practice of tending to my body and nurturing those basic needs. I am so grateful to have found this part of myself ☺️

Maybe you already know some of your deepest urges, maybe they are starting to reveal themselves to you, wanting to be in a relationship with you? Wanting to show you the fullness of how you can express that aspect of yourself?

These archetypal energies often manifest as strong reactions, compulsions, or “must do’s”. 

Maybe you are looking to name and understand some of these deeper parts of yourself.

I’d love to explore these deep urges with you, these life- path carving needs that we all have! 

If you’d you haven’t already connected to have a free exploration session, tap the connect button and let’s chat!



may you bloom


exploration of names part II ~ the martyr