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Urban Wintering Retreat

Here we are in the heart of winter,

time to rest, to be gentle, and to dream.

Winter’s teaching reminds us that we need rest and space to go slow. The seed needs germinating time. We are in seed time, dream time,  looking for the cracks of light that give us warmth and inspiration. I think our souls crave this slowdown. The rest and dream time allows our hearts to expand and our shoulders to loosen, it allows creativity to blaze and joy to bloom. 

That is my wish for this Wintering Retreat, that we would open space in our lives to hold ourselves and our seed dreams. That we would reconnect to nature, and her beautiful elements of fire, water, earth, and air. That we would spend time laughing and playing and eating, and resting! We will have bonfires, hot tubbing, contemplative nature walks, movement, art, sharing, solo reflective time, and nourishing food!

I wanted to make this retreat as accessible for folks as possible so it will all be happening at my place. It will last one full Saturday with a short Friday evening session the night before and does not include accommodation (ie. you can sleep at your own place).

If you have been craving some intentional heart-centered time, to rest, reflect, and dream again, please consider joining me.

There will be room for only 5 to join me (to keep it cozy and intimate)

Investment of $125 includes:

  • Full day, and an evening of a guided spiritual retreat

  • Opportunity to try different spiritual practices (including dance/ movement, art, contemplative walking, etc.)

  • 3 meals on Sat and loads of snacks & drinks

  • Warm company with folks to share, laugh, and play with

*** “pay what you can” option available

Registration below

December 21

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